404 Error Logging & Tracking Script

404 Logger© is a Perl script that lets you log and track HTTP requests that result in a 404 "File Not Found" error. It lets you trap and record invalid links, including the source! The results can be EMailed to you every day a 404 error occurs automatically. It requires Apache server software or IIs with Mod_Rewrite installed. This easily-installed Perl script gives you the following features:

It's always a good idea for webmasters to monitor their website for 404 errors. Not only do they indicate the possibility of broken links on your site and annoy users, they can also indicate attacks by hackers looking for scripts with known vulnerabilities. So for your website security and integrity, you want to routinely monitor all 404 errors. My Server Log Search Script is another tool that's useful in this regard.

Using a custom 404 page allows you to present the user with navigation options when they've encountered a problem. Without a custom error page, the user simply gets whatever default message your server issues - or worse, he gets an advertisement from your hosting service that may well send him to a competitor's website. Neither of those are something you ever want to happen.

Google provides a great free search widget for your custom 404 page that you should also use. They use JavaScript to retrieve the bad URL that caused the problem and then offer links to the closest match they can find on your site, based on their search index. The tool also offers a Google site search box, to give the user a second (or third) chance to find the page they were looking for. All in all, it's a great tool for website designers.

404 Logger© is provided free of charge. If you use and appreciate it, please post the following link in an appropriate location on your site:

a href="https://www.rainbodesign.com/pub/" Rainbo Design Tools & Scripts/a

This page was last modified on October 01, 2020