JavaScript Multiple Slideshows
SMTP FormMail Script with Attachments
Pre-Populate Forms with Javascript
As a website designer, you need to know that frames-based websites and websites that have sections that rely on frames need to provide a mechanism to allow the user to recover from the situation when he enters the site through a page that has been designed to be incorporated into a <frameset> which may not include any navigation links or other vital components. The JavaScript system presented here provides a solution that is both user and search-engine friendly - as much as is possible.
If you want your framed pages to do well in search engines, be sure to put
some meaty plain text in the <noframes> section of your <frameset> page.
The goal of these pages is to present a JavaScript method of automatically loading
pages designed to be framed web pages into a <frameset> when using <frame>s.
This free script is a solution for web designers searching for "Automatic frames" or "Reload frame pages",
or "Script for frames". More scripts are available at Rainbo Design's
Tools and Scripts for Webmasters.
This page Copyright (C) 2003-2011 by Richard L. Trethewey, Rainbo Design Minneapolis. All rights reserved.