Spider Tracks© v3.0 Search Engine Analyzer Script

Spider Tracks© is a search engine analyzer script that allows you to monitor the activities of the major search engine robots/spiders - such as when they last visited your website and to what extent they are crawling it. It gives you a snapshot of the search engine traffic on your site for the past three or four days so you can see how your site is currently performing. The program will also optionally show the search query entries used by people who find your site via the search engines, output a simple search keyword frequency table, a list of search engine user entry point pages, and more. It will also optionally log which browser programs your visitors have been using on your site. You can also choose to have the results sent to you by EMail, so if your host offers CRONTAB services, you can have the program run in the middle of the night when it won't tie up your host server.

The Perl version of Spider Tracks© requires that your site run on an Apache-based server and that you have access to your access log files. It also relies on the CPAN module IO::Zlib to decompress log files stored in GZip format. See the "readme.txt" file included in the package for complete installation instructions and documentation. Note that I have essentially stopped development of the Perl version and am now focusing on the PHP version, but I will still support it.

Spider Tracks© PHP Script

The new PHP version of Spider Tracks© requires that your site run on an Apache-based server and that you have access to your access log files. It also relies on the Zlib Support to be enabled to decompress log files stored in GZip format. The PHP version is officially in "beta" form. It looks good, but there are liable to be a few bugs. This version takes a slightly different look at your log files. It allows you to see where your search engine traffic is coming from for each page, and which keywords were used to find it. It eliminates some of the superfluous information that the Perl version displayed and adds keyword traffic by page and by search engine. It currently lacks good support for image search because Google is changing their methods too often these days to keep up with it, but that's coming soon. See the "readme.txt" file included in the package for complete installation instructions and documentation.

Spider Tracks© is provided free of charge. If you use and appreciate it, please post the following link in an appropriate location on your site:

a href="https://www.rainbodesign.com/pub/" Rainbo Design Tools & Scripts/a

This page was last modified on August 27, 2020

Copyright © 2005-2025 by Richard L. Trethewey - Rainbo Design Minneapolis. It's not that I think this is such an earth-shatteringly great presentation, but if you want to copy it, I'd appreciate it if you would ask for permission. I've been working with computers for over 30 years now, and one phrase keeps popping into my head - "I hate it when it's right!" And laptops and smartphones are no better.

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